Sunday 23 October 2016

DIY Christmas Display for less than £10

How to create a beautiful autumnal display for your home in less than five minutes, and for under £10.00

As I've mentioned numerous times before, I'm a huge fan of updating my interiors for the new season. There's just something so exciting about making your home that little bit cosier when the nights draw in.

Last week I spent ages searching the internet for ideas for a new seasonal display for my living room, and when I couldn't quite find what I was looking for, decided to make my own (any excuse to get the crafting box out!), so thought I'd share it with you lot too. The beauty of this is that it took me literally 5 minutes to put together, and cost a grand total of £6.25!
DIY Autumn display idea from

You will need:
Hurricane glass vase - I've used an old one that I got years ago from TK Maxx, however I've spotted this similar one from Ikea for just £2.50
Pillar candle - I've used a Tesco candle I already had, however this Ikea Block Candle is very similar, and again only £2.50
Cinnamon Sticks -
Dried Orange -
Pine cones - (I ordered a pack of 50 from eBay as I want to use the rest around the house as Christmas decorations, however they do packs of 10 or 25 for less, or if you're not as lazy as me, you could easily pick some up for free at your local park/woodland!)

There's really very little to this, I simply placed the pillar candle in the centre of the hurricane vase, and placed the pine cones around it. I then scattered the orange and cinnamon sticks on top of the pine cones, et voila! Your very own Christmas display.

DIY Autumn display idea from

Obviously you can arrange this however you like, and there's so many more bits you could use - how about some conkers, or beautiful bright red and orange leaves? Plus you could easily update this with fairy lights/baubles, mini Easter eggs and chick's for Easter, and pretty flower petals for the summer.

I'd absolutely love to see your own versions, tag me over on Instagram: @dove_cottage.

DIY Autumn display idea from

Thanks for reading,
Sam Xx


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