Friday, 20 October 2017

#dovecottagemyfaveroom: Laura's Lounge

Each Friday on the blog it's all about the beautiful homes I'm inspired by in my feature 'My Fave Room'. If you'd like to enter upload a photo over on Instagram of your favourite room in your home, using the #dovecottagemyfaveroom, and I'll be focusing on one each week. So without further ado, here's this week's room - the lovely Laura's (@loveheartsathome) lovely lounge ...

Laura has such beautiful country home, and I think my favourite part of her home is her brick effect wallpaper - doesn't it create such an eye-catching feature in her lounge? And how cute is that bee cushion?!  

One day I’d absolutely love to have a fireplace in my home, and Laura’s beautiful one exactly why! How lovely is the way she’s styled it? Also love the fact that she’s got a white tv - definitely makes it blend in with the interior well. 

How lovely is Laura's wreath above the sofa?! So simple but it goes so well, particularly with the hint of green in the cushions too. 

Thanks for reading, and thanks so much to Laura for letting us have a nose around her favourite room. Have a look round the rest of her beautiful home over on Instagram here, and enter your favourite room using the hashtag #dovecottagemyfaveroom - I'll feature another inspirational room next week.

Sam Xx

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