Friday, 17 November 2017

#dovecottagemyfaveroom: Pamela's Nursery

Each Friday on the blog it's all about the beautiful homes I'm inspired by in my feature 'My Fave Room'. If you'd like to enter upload a photo over on Instagram of your favourite room in your home, using the #dovecottagemyfaveroom, and I'll be focusing on one each week. So without further ado, here's this week's room - the lovely Pamela's little girls beautiful nursery...

colourful nursery inspiration

I'm sure you'll agree, this nursery really is the perfect example of how to use beautiful bright colours to create such a stunning space for a nursery. I think its the ideal mix of fun and sophisticated, that I can imagine a child growing up in. 

colourful nursery inspiration

Everything in here has been chosen to compliment each other perfectly - they all look like they were made to sit together on that shelf don't they! 

colourful nursery inspiration

I can't get over how cute this little fox print is - and goes so well with the fox cushion positioned on the chair, and even the hands on the clock. 

colourful nursery inspiration

Finally I absolutely love the colourful spots here, and think they make the perfect addition to this wall. What a lovely room for a lucky little girl!

Thanks for reading, and thanks so much to Pamela for letting us have a nose around her home. You enter your favourite room using the hashtag #dovecottagemyfaveroom - I'll feature another inspirational room next week.

Sam Xx


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